Online Resources: Level 3 Statistics Learning Workbook (2015 edition and prior)

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Level 3 Statistics Learning Workbook, ISBN: 9781927297766 (2015 Edition)

Data Files

Page 10: Fruit and vegetables CPI.csv

Page 14: CPI Household spending.csv

Page 21: Electronic card transactions.csv

Page 60: Electronic card transactions.csv

Page 60: Visitor arrivals.csv

Page 66: Oregon waste disposal.csv

Page 69: Oregon waste disposal.csv

Page 71: Columbia River.csv

Page 71: Wrist neck circumferences.csv

Page 72: Sacramento Valley drainage.csv

Page 72: Zinc v lead concentrations.csv

Page 73: California power plants.csv

Page 74: Oregon waste disposal.csv

Page 89: Sunflower heights.csv

Page 90: Area and bacteria.csv

Page 90: Lava dome dimensions.csv

Page 90: Temp and Humidity.csv

Page 92: Census at school data set.csv

Page 94: Health Statistics TNHNES.csv

Page 97: Alcohol and smoking in movies.xls

Page 104: Sensational sausages fat content.csv

Page 104 Sensational sausages.xlsx

Page 105: Alcohol and smoking in movies.xls

Page 108: Sports shoe weights.csv

Page 109: Earthquakes over 7.csv

Page 113: Salt content Sensational sausages.xlsx

Page 113: Soil bulk densities.csv

Page 115: Sample of average hourly and weekly earnings.csv

Page 118: Average hourly and weekly earnings.csv

Page 121: Rat maze times.csv

Page 122: Cholesterol levels.csv

Page 124: Jump and sprint.csv

Page 125: Empathy and training.csv

Page 126: Reaction times and texting.csv

Page 128: Days in hospital.csv

Page 129: Reaction times and texting.csv

Page 130: Vitamin C and lead levels.csv

Page 132: Texting and driving reactions.csv

Further exercises

Page 15: Further exercises.pdf

- Page 2: CPI 2008-2012.xls

- Page 5: Unemployment data.xls

- Page 5: Using Excel to analyse time series.doc

- Page 6: Carbon dioxide content.xls

- Page 12: Fruit and vegetables CPI.xls

- Page 25: Total visitors.xls

- Page 26: Sunspot data.xls

Page 77: Residuals.pdf

Page 82: Residuals.pdf

Page 99: Exercise B.pdf

Page 183: Permutations and combinations.pdf 


Level 3 Statistics Learning Workbook, ISBN: 9781927245484 (2013 Edition)

Achievement Standard 91580: Time series

P10: Fruit and vegetables CPI.csv

P10: Fruit and vegetables CPI.xls

P14: Consumer price index.csv

P14: Consumer price index.xls

P17: CPI 2008-2012.csv

P17: CPI 2008-2012.xls

P19: Unemployment data.csv

P19: Unemployment data.xls

P19: Using Excel to analyse time series.doc

P21: Carbon dioxide content.csv

P21: Carbon dioxide content.xls

P27: Fruit and vegetables CPI.csv

P27: Fruit and vegetables CPI.xls

P41: Total visitors.csv

P41: Total visitors.xls

P42: Sunspot data.csv

P42: Sunspot data.xls

P43: Electronic card transactions.csv

P51: Visitor arrivals.csv

Achievement Standard 91581: Bivariate data

P58: Oregon waste disposal.csv

P58: Oregon waste disposal.xls

P61: Oregon waste disposal.csv

P63: Columbia river.csv

P63: Wrist neck circumferences.csv

P64: Sacramento Valley drainage.csv

P64: Zinc versus lead concentrations.csv

P65: California power plants.csv

P65: California power plants.xls

P66: Oregon waste disposal.csv

P66: Oregon waste disposal.xls

P66: Rainbow glacier retreat.csv

P67: California power plants.csv

P67: Columbia river.csv

P67: Rainbow glacier retreat.csv

P67: Sacramento Valley drainage.csv

P67: Wrist neck circumferences.csv

P67: Zinc versus lead concentrations.csv

P69: Residuals.pdf

P74: Residuals.pdf

P81: Sunflower heights.xls

P82: Atmospheric temperature and humidity.xls

P82: Mt St Helens lava dome dimensions.xls

P82: Protected area and percentage of bacteria.xls

P84: Censusatschooldataset.csv

P86: Health Statistics TNHNES.csv

Achievement Standard 91582: Inference

P101: Sensational sausages.xls

P105: Quakes over magnitude 7.csv

P105: Sports shoe customer weights.csv

P108: Sausage salt content pork and chicken.csv

P108: Soil bulk densities.csv

P109: Hourly and weekly earnings.xls

P110: Hourly earnings sample.csv

P114: Hourly and weekly earnings.csv

Achievement Standard 91583: Experimental design

P117: Rat maze times.csv

P118: Cholesterol and statins.csv

P120: Jump and sprint.csv

P121: Empathy and training.csv

P122: Reaction times and texting.csv

P124: Days in hospital.csv

P125: Reaction times and texting.csv

P126: Vitamin C and lead levels.csv

P128: Texting and driving reaction times.csv

P170: Permutations and Combinations.pdf


Level 3 Statistics Learning Workbook, ISBN: 9781927194720 (2012 Edition)

Achievement Standard 91580: Time Series 

P10: Fruit and vegetables CPI.xls

P14: Consumer price index.xls

P17: CPI 2008-2012.xls

P19: Unemployment data.xls

P19: Using Excel to analyse time series.doc

P21: Carbon dioxide content.xls

P27: Fruit and vegetables CPI.xls

P41: Total visitors.xls P42: Sunspot data.xls

Achievement Standard 91581: Bivariate Data

P48: Oregon waste disposal.xls

P51: Oregon waste disposal.xls

P55: California power plants.xls

P74: Weight body mass.xls